Summary: Duncannon: 1146.8 Duncannon: 1146.8 Total miles: 0 We all slept great, but somehow it never feels like enough. We headed to Perkins restaurant (a chain with all day breakfast) since it was right next door. Afterwards, Emily headed back to the hotel to work (the Radisson three, count 'em three, guest computers which we needed for catching up on some blog stuff too). Grant and Tyler headed to Karns for resupply, but not before stopping into the Tru Value to get some epoxy for Tyler's broken glasses.

The resupply at Karns, about 1.5 miles from the hotel, was great. They had a huge assortment of dried fruits and non branded candies too. Not to mention a giant M&Ms dispenser where you can choose whatever colors you want. Tyler got grey, brown, and teal ones for Emily which are her favourite colors. She is a weirdo. A half mile into the walk back from the grocery store in some serious afternoon heat, a car stopped then reversed all the way back to where Tyler and Grant were. A woman, Kelly we were to find out, offered them a ride. We gladly accepted. She's moved back to Harrisburg to help her sick mother and said she'd definitely "been there" with having to walk back from the store in the heat. We talked to her about Harrisburg a bit and told her about our hike. We should have told her that now she's a bona fide trail angel but putting on the internet will have to do. Kelly of Harrisburg you are a trail angel. Back at the hotel, Emily kept working for a couple more hours and Tyler caught up on blog entries. Typing on a computer is much more effective than a cell phone. We vegetated for a couple of hours after getting caught up on work and ate far too many M&Ms. At around 7, we finally decided to head out to the fourth of July food truck festival on the east side of the river. The festival was mobbed with people. At this point, too, a number of the total forty or so food trucks had started to run out of food. We headed for a Greek food truck, and Grant for barbecue. We did a lot of people watching while waiting in line. Though the trail is a bit more social than we expected, it's obviously not this social, so it was overstimulating to say the least.

We had to wait several forevers (fifty minutes) to order our food so we now only had about thirty minutes before the fireworks kicked off at 9:15. We headed down to one of the bridges that crossed the Susquehanna and went over City Island. Most of the roads were blocked to traffic, which made walking easy. Though now that we walk in the woods fulltime, wading through the traffic of relaxed fourth folk meant we had exercise patience.
The resturant we had visited in the way back to our hotel the night before, Dockside Willie's, was, well, dockside. And somehow much less mobbed than the east side of the river. Just as we found a place to relax, fireworks started from the middle of City Island. We headed to a good vantage point.

Just ten minutes after the first show ended, another, and probably the official city fireworks started from the north part of the island. We were psyched to be able to enjoy the fourth again after missing it in Germany last year. We hung around the for a bit after the fireworks, especially after a slight sprinkle scared most of the other patrons away, while we sat in the warm rain, fairly oblivious. Emily also pointed out that the clouds were breaking up, so we probably wouldn't have to wait long. She was right. We are becoming pretty solid meteorologists.

When traffic cleared up from people leaving City Island, we, again feeling lazy, called a Lyft and headed back to the hotel. Our feet thanked us and we thanked our Lyft driver.