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Day 46: Mile 400 Brought to You by the Letter G

G is for Glucosamine. Elaine, Emily's Mom, suggested we start taking glucosamine for our joints when she heard about Emily's joint problems. We've both been taking it for a couple of weeks now and we feel like tin people who finally got oil. G is for Giant. The breakfast at Mountain Harbor was huge. We were worried that 12 dollars was steep, but we were shocked at the all home made breakfast spread. Cheese and potato casserole, French toast with honey pecan sauce, biscuits and gravy, tomato pie, raspberry puff pastry squares with whipped cream, lemon cake, egg salsa creations, coffee, juice, fruit, and more. And it was all beautifully done. We believe it was all made by David, the owner/owners' son who also built the tree house. Seems impossible! Oh and another G is for Giant. We met a guy named Anvil who had size 13 feet. He left a shoe print in the mud and we thought Bigfoot had passed by.

G is for Gorgeous. The entire day was stunning. Haand Solo and Seth Rogan jokingly said they weren't sure what they'd do without the rain (sadly they headed into town to resupply and we didn't see them the rest of the day). Every hiker we passed sort of just shook their heads in awe. There was a bit of a breeze, but it was sunny and 75. The trail was fairly rootless, rockless, and often flat (We've found the terrain more important lately for our well being than the actual grade). The trail also followed several gorgeous streams and creeks, and one sizeable river that, had we started out earlier or been a bit warmer, we might have had to jump in. The 400 mile marker was right along this river. We walked a little side trail down to Jones Fall, where we saw High Life for the last time of the day, looking hypnotized by the day and preparing, somehow after that enormous breakfast, a hot lunch. We made excellent time despite stopping every few miles to get excited about the day, and streams. We talked with a hiker named Dutch, who also stayed at the hostel the night before. He was especially shocked about passing two waterfalls for the day and thought it was funny how quickly our perspective on water can change. 

We had talked with Spike via text the night before and made tentative plans to meet up at a stream at mile 408.2. We arrived at around 5:30 and took our time eating leftover pizza and fresh fruit we had packed out into the woods (to be eaten on the first night, immediately!). The creek offered white noise (helpful for the early evening whipporwhil) not many bugs, and a place to soak tired feet. Sadly, Spike and Bambi never arrived, but we had heard they were getting an especially late start. Hopefully, when we get service again, we can coordinate another meeting. Other than that mishap, if every day was like today, though, we doubt that many people would ever leave the trail. 

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